

Our LatestFAQ

Frequently Asked Questions


Thank you for visiting I DOG CARE homepage.

These are the questions that are frequently asked by people on the I DOG CARE website, so please refer to them.

If you have any other questions or information you need, please use the RUQUEST board.

I'll try to give you faster and more accurate answer.

Thank you!

Please enter REQUEST and leave a message on the bulletin board .

The manager will check it out from time to time, so we can leave a quick answer.

When you leave a message, please write down your contact number or E-Mail accurately.

*In many cases, your contacts are not correct in your posting. Please check and fill it out.

Thank you.

1. The upload file capacity limit per data is 5Mbyte.

2. If your posts have a high capacity, please note the following: * When you write one, there are five files that you can upload at the same time. Each file is provide with 5Mbyte.

3. You can set up public/non-publication only for bulletin boards.

Please enter the product name, number of products, address, contact number, and name of the product
you want to purchase and leave them on the 1:1 ONLINE bulletin board or send them by e-mail

If you have any questions or information you need, please call us
at your company's number and we'll try to give you a friendly answer any time.

If the purchase is successful, we will send you the relevant information by email or text message.

If you want to see more product information, please go to the next shopping mall.

Go to I DOG CARE mall